Good News
This blog is a sacred space to share our divinely ordinary lives, the individual and collective process of residing in a Sacred Cooperative Community. Fortunately, living in a State of Grace means good news for everyone!
Qué distopia la de la utopía de una sociedad que protege el medio ambiente incluso de la Verdadera Ecología
Qué triste y terrible una Sociedad que ha perdido la capacidad de Preservar aquello que es realmente…
Dança Africana
África te chama A dança africana ocorre de forma coletiva, expressa valores e desejos da comunidade,…
Espaço Cultural Dreamsend
O Santuário Dreamsend abre as portas aos moradores da comunidade Mamanguá para que possamos comparti…
La Kombucha y el Arte Sagrado de la Fermentación
Si hay un tema que me apasiona es el de la fermentación. Y si hay un proceso de fermentación que se …
At the Dinner Table
I was having dinner with the whole community when I suddenly looked around at our beautiful gatherin…
Dancing the Line
Living the Paradox,The wholly unorthodox,Way of the Heart that’sCompletely abstract The UNceasing vi…
A Touch of Heaven
In the Sacred Domain of Only You LordI touched Heaven.It wasn’t the first time I was gifted withsuch…
The Substance of A New World
What makes my life meaningful, however it looks like day by day, is an untouchable certainty that th…
Considero que hay algo más;considero que quiero algo más;considero que hay dicha cuando compartimos …
The wound that never heals
The love for God is a wound that never heals. It seeks you and finds you in the same place where you…
Sea of Consciousness
During my boat trips I always find myself reflecting on the sea and its nature. In its abstraction, …
Carta para Ryan Fausciana
La ignorancia es mejor que sea Divina. Aveces el conocimiento nos sirve para alimentar el ego de qui…
Divine Praise
How do I celebrate the Divine now, in this very instant? is the question that most occupies me at Go…
Trip the light fantastic
If I had the chance, I’d ask the world to dance. Saturday night: twenty sweaty bodies giving t…