Dancing the Line

Living the Paradox,
The wholly unorthodox,
Way of the Heart that’s
Completely abstract

The UNceasing vigil
Of ego’s little (ness)
While dancing the Praise
Of Life given to Faith

“Be alert without strain,”
Beloved once said.
So I relax with what pain
I’ve contrived in my head

Whatever the complaint’s
So far down the line
Of contraction itself
That I pay it no mind.

It’s just one more sign
Of the ego at work
I stand back and align
So I don’t go berserk.

My leela this week
Divine ordinary meal
Simonete ain’t meek
And is bringing some zeal.

The body is buzzing.
I feel all the Light.
A thought crosses my mind
All the sudden, it’s tight.

Familiar sensation,
The subtle head ache,
And there’s the temptation
To run for a break.

How quick it all was!
So open, then closed
Nothing happened “outside”
But the light was opposed.

The connection is gone,
And I feel the despair
How I’m caught in contraction
When the light’s surely there!

In that instant, B came
A voice in my mind
“Just notice the game
Of the ego and find
Your way back to the Heart”

And with that I let go
And become empty space
While Simon’s still in flow.
Unburdened and free,
I feel Light cascade in,
And I cannot believe
How simple it’s been!

No effort, no time
Just the will to receive.
A wide open space
Without thought or reprieve.

Anyone watching
Would note nothing amiss
Just two friends at the table
Sharing that, sharing this.


One thing is conversation
And there may be no cessation
In the actual oration or dictation or citation
But the Real Communication
The invisible elation
Most delicious of gustations
That exuberant vibration

The sensation of salvation
Sign of life’s true affirmation
registers as activation
Needing only acceptation

Now THAT communication
Delicate beyond narration
Can be subject to carnation,
Aberration, and deflation
At the hint of accusation,
Aggravation, or negation…


Source Temple’s only Occupation,
Protects Real Communication,
Restores True celebration,
the Heart’s standing ovation,
Sacred beautification
And luxuriation
For All of Creation!

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