From our Visitors

Love, too, would set a feast before you, on a table covered with a spotless cloth, set in a quiet garden where no sound but singing and a softly joyous whispering is ever heard. This is a feast which honors your holy relationship, and at which everyone is welcomed as an honored guest. And in a holy instant grace is said by everyone together, as they join in gentleness before the table of communion. And I will join you there, as long ago I promised and promise still. For in your new relationship am I made welcome. And where I am made welcome, there I AM.

A Course in Miracles

Image Art by Adi Da Samraj
Blue House Guests
Hoje vamos embora com a alma renovada, sentiremos saudades dos momentos lindos que vivemos aqui.

Lugar mágico de conexão com a natureza e com nós mesmos. Estar aqui é viver o presente, sem o anseio do futuro e nenhuma preocupação com o passado. Apenas aproveitar cada minuto.
Agradecemos a toda comunidade que nos recebeu tão bem, com tanto carinho.

Energia sem igual.

Janaina, Rafael, Rafaela e Maitê – 13/10/2022

A chuva choveu, o sol visitou, e os corações se moeram na boa energia dos encontros!
Quero voltar!

Queridos e Queridas, A metereológica não atrapalhou esses dias surpreendentes, prazerosos, good vibes, suaves…
A chuva choveu, o sol visitou, e os corações se moeram na boa energia dos encontros!
Quero voltar!

Beijos e obrigada,

Fernanda Medeiros – 23/12/2022

Muito obrigada por nos receberem nesse lugar – TÃO – especial e dividirem um pouco a vida.

Muito bom conhecer um pouco mais de cada um e de todos! Dalia, muito obrigada pela casa também.
Saímos daqui com o coração cheio, com certeza.

Nina e Maria Flor – 24/12/2022

Dias incríveis, com pessoas inspiradoras, em um lugar maravilhoso.

Obrigada pela estadia e hospitalidade.

Julia e Rodrigo – 03/01/2023

We feel grateful and blessed to have this opportunity to get to know this beautiful and magical place with such good people.

We’re gonna miss a lot the good food and the nice moments together. Keep yourself strong and healthy! We hope to see you next year.
Fica com Deus! Muito obrigada

Com amor, Raquel e Dario – 09/01/2023

Passamos dias maravilhosos aqui.. em paz.. e foi uma experiência incrível e inspiradora…

Amigos queridos!!
Quero agradecer de coração a cada um de vocês, por nos receber com tanto amor e carinho.
Passamos dias maravilhosos aqui.. em paz.. e foi uma experiência incrível e inspiradora… com essa paisagem de mar em mata… podendo ver o sol pela manha… o anoitecer… os banhos de mar… tudo, tudo muito especial.

Obrigada amigos, que deus abençoe a cada um de vocês, todos os dias.

Com carinho,

Mara, Bira, Rafael, Janaina, Rafinha e Maite – 21/02/2023

I feel enormous gratitude until the innermost core of my heart!

Being reunited with my daughter Hanneke, or Alice, and with all residents was so loving and heartwarming. The sea, the beach, the sun, the joy, the peace, the love, the care, the delicious food and the heavenly pizzas, the live music, the silence, the connectedness, the service, the wonderful self-constructed houses, the allowance to be yourself, made my stay an incredible, unforgettable trip, again.
I feel enormous gratitude until the innermost core of my heart!

Ria – 24/03/2023

This is an amazing set, made of beautiful hearted people, mountain landscape and well cared spaces.

It was a pleasure to help in the simple tasks of the daily routine of the community. It’s literally a sanctuary, where one feels safe, welcomed, seen and cared. A great place for self-development, healing, to slow down and to come in contact with nature and one’s higherself. The best experience so far in my trip in Brasil, and I would definitely recommended it and even come back. Thank you family!! 🙂

Madalena – 29/02/2020

It’s the creation of something new in the world! An oasis of love in the middle of the chaos…

There is a lot of respect to the nature and careful not to harm it in all the constructions, the agriculture and every simple act, but there is also a strong focus on the spirituality. Of course, on thing cannot work well without the other… I asked many times how could things work so harmoniously and, of course, the outer is a reflection of the people’s inner state.
So, in my opinion, it can be a model for many places that want to do something similar in many aspects.
Besides that, it’s also a great experience for the volunteers, who can meet many wise and funny people, enjoy meditation practices and feel free to be alone in the amazing nature whenever they want.
So, I recommend it mostly for people that are engaged in any spiritual practice.
It was a great learning for me in many aspects and I will go back one day.
Thank you!!!

Marco – 01/10/2019

This is a really, special, amazing and unique place!

It is difficult describe the experience I have had during my 4 weeks volunteering at the Temple, where I stayed an extra 2 weeks because I enjoyed it so much.

This community is built on people. Relationships between people and love shared between all. You can feel the huge amount of love and respect, honesty and a general peaceful, calm vibe here all of the time. The approach to life is something I have never experienced before, but it feels closer to how life should be in comparison to the world a lot of us find ourselves living in.

There is time we give to service – usually 4/5 hours a day. In my first two weeks, I was doing everything from kitchen (helping to prepare lunch for 35-40 people!), gardening, cleaning and carpentry. In the second two weeks I was solely in Carpentry because I felt so good there and was learning so much, the guys were happy to arrange that for me.

There is morning yoga everyday at 7 if you want it, and sometimes in the afternoons, or callisthenics. If you do not have service in the afternoon, there are local mountain walks, and treks to a couple of waterfalls that are truly beautiful.

There are also other sessions that relate to the spiritual teachings these guys follow (a course in miracles and the guru Adi Da), which are really interesting to attend and speak about some really important issues in life.

I think it is beneficial to have an open mind when coming here, to everything from practical matters to spirituality. The life is simple, both physically and mentally, which allows for deep introspection and learning throughout your stay.

I have made some friends for life in this place. It was an amazing experience and I will be returning one day in the future, I am sure. Thanks for making it so amazing Marie and Woody, also to Pablo/Peter/Glinda/Emily/Luna/Sebas/Prudence and just everyone!!!

Tom – 08/04/2019

Para nosotros este lugar nos marco un antes y un después en nuestro viaje.

Aprendimos a vivir el servicio como un don de la vida, como un regalo para sanar nuestro cuerpo y espíritu. A través del yoga, de meditaciones, de ceremonias, cada día se transformaba en agradecimiento y apertura del corazón. Pasamos dos semanas que parecieron dos años
Allí el tiempo se frena, eso que tanto nos maquina día a día en la rutina, deja simplemente de existir. Cada amanecer nos regala un SI a vivir. Cada atardecer nos brinda la posibilidad de agradecer que estamos vivos. La Pachamama se hace presente y camina a tu lado regalandonos montañas, lluvia, estrellas, sol y luna. Y es que se va descubriendo que en este mundo no estamos solos, que abrir el corazón a un Otrohermano nos hace bailar de alegría, nos permite SENTIRnos. Gracias por tanto amor, nos vemos a la vuelta!!!!!

Maria Ana & Lisandro – 17/03/2019

Staying here was the highlight of my journey through Brazil – I loved it!!

I felt super welcomed from the beginning. The place is very beautiful and peaceful.
I came as a volunteer and then entered the transcendence Programme, staying five weeks in total. As I know how to sew my task was to repair clothes of the residence and make pillows for the volunteer room, which was a very cool project.
All in all through the Yoga every morning, the loving and accepting environment, the calmness, the good food, the pure air, the contact with nature, the beautiful people and all the activities like meditations, readings it was a very healing experience for me. I feel like I learned a lot.
I left in deep gratitude, knowing that I will come back one day 🙂
Thank you to everyone! I love you 🙂

Verina – 09/03/2019

Words cannot explain how much I miss the Ashram!
I spent magical days there.

I would never forget!!! Beautiful people, breathtaking landscape, and the job was really, really fun. I cooked for the whole Ashram with Glinda, a beautiful soul which is in charge of the kitchen of the Ashram. So much peace and tranquility. Above everything, was an internal and external trip. Healing and reconnecting.
Eternally Grateful guys. Thank you so, so much.

Thaís & Franco – 16/11/2018

We learned, lived and felt Love in a deepest way.

This is to us the hardest experience to try to put into words. We tried many times to write this text, but it seemed impossible to describe living here without making it lesser than it really was.
But then we thought “what comes to our mind when we think about this place?”, and the first thing that came to us was LOVE. We learned, lived and felt Love in a deepest way.
There we found that one can love in many ways and all of them are equally LOVE, because there’s no living better or more or less. There’s just pure love.
We loved ourselves, we loved each other, we loved people we’d just met. In there we were able to open the doors to love, without reasons, without rules.
We also learned about Service, and how it can be a channel to love in action. We learned daily, from the tasks we had from monday to friday, and off-work, just being a helping hand to whenever it was needed.
We learned to see Service as a way to show grattitude, of honoring and celebrating to the other and to ourselves, letting go of ego to let love and grattitude flow.
We were here for 30 days but is seemed like years, or just a blink of an eye. We worked a lot in tasks like cleaning common areas, gardening and cooking.
We woke up at 5h30 and had meditation and yoga from 6 to 8. On saturdays we were invited to participate on the mantras chantings, that would take us to a deep state of peace and connection with the holly.

We received many gifts and miracles from life, we had learnings and developments we needed, we met brothers and sisters of soul, we were gifted with mothers who cared for us, we deepened our spiritual and personal researches.

Juliana & Douglas – 19/01/2019

This is a beautiful experiment in humanity.

I experienced a surprising amount of spiritual growth during the two short weeks I spent with this community. The volunteer program is well-integrated into the everyday living of long-term residents and students, and the work that I did in the kitchen and in the gardens was fulfilling and joyful thanks to company. Thank you to everyone at the temple for welcoming us with open arms <3

Liz – 02/01/2019

I’ve never been surrounded by so much love in my entire life and I am glad I allowed myself to receive and return the love.

I thoroughly enjoyed my stay at the Temple! The community welcomed me with open arms, open hearts and an incredible amount of generosity. I’ve never been surrounded by so much love in my entire life and I am glad I allowed myself to receive and return the love. I was lucky enough to spend Christmas and my birthday at the Temple, surrounded by the wonderful residents and volunteers, and I honestly couldn’t have wished for a better way to celebrate these two special events – the community members always treated us volunteers like one of them, like family.

The work that I did (primarily) in the gardens and in the kitchen was always enjoyable and a great way to connect with the residents. Oh and have I mentioned how beautiful the Temple grounds and surrounding areas are? There are several waterfalls to explore, a wonderfully refreshing lake and beautiful hills – the perfect place to search for inner peace.

Thanks to the volunteering team for making my stay so special and memorable – it’s all for the love!

Jasmin – 04/01/2019

Agradeço muito a oportunidade de fazer voluntariado num lugar como esse.

Tantas práticas que me trouxeram tantos aprendizados, todo o trabalho que também me ensinou muito sobre agricultura. Sou muito grata pelas pessoas que ali conheci e amizades que fiz para minha vida.
Se busca sobre espiritualidade, yoga, meditação e todas essas curas naturais, esse lugar é perfeito para ir. Sempre com muita entrega e mente aberta.

Katherina – 11/12/2018

This place has given me some trust in humanity and stuffed me full with new ideas and creativity.

well, where to start. arriving late night in this ashram, my first ashram ever, i didn’t really know what to expect. talking to peter, i asked him what to expect, i was wondering: „is this place is like a scouts camp for adults?“ he said: „well, much more, but you could say it like this!“

from the first moment, i was surrounded by lovely people. i lived in an amazing environment of nature, so close with the other volunteers, people who i never met before, we called family after two days. massage sessions, jams and delicious meals, brought us so close together.

i mainly did my service on woodworking and building furniture, for different projects and houses. for me it is important, that the people trust me and my abilities, this trust was there given from the first day and still carries me, 600 km away.

overwhelming is the love and graditude, with which these people live every second of their lifes. i would state, it’s impossible to have a bad stay there.

beside the amazing food, the fantastic workshops and the super close look into their lifestyle, we had some groovy dance partys, loads of starry nights and a few trips to sourroundig places like: Cunha, Paraty, beaches and the pedra de marcela, a high mountain and viewpoint.

this place has given me some trust in humanity and stuffed me full with new ideas and creativity. a written „thank you“ would never be enough, that’s why i send you my grattitude, might all of you be well forever!

i hope so much, that i might have the chance to come back and live there again.

with lots of light and

pauli – 02/10/2018

From my perspective the place is a dream, magical since the moment I got to its front door.

The daily life is generous, chilled, and I felt that everything could be talked (and they encourage that).

People living there is very diverse. Volunteers were diverse too, and they live and manage the volunteers program in such a way that helps everyone to find its place.

With the days going on I started to develop my connections with the residents, and from there I could give and receive even more.

Being there helped me to go deep on my self-awareness practice. I learned about that both from theory and by experience.

I felt comfortable to the point of not knowing if I would physically leave, and to the point of energetically visit them frequently, since as Peter told me, “the place is more a state of mind than a spot in the map”.

Rodrigo – 07/10/2018